Ailments treated through Yoga therapy
An integrated and systematic approach to yoga, which we teach has a positive effect on health. This includes both physiological health and psychological well being. Yoga is most effective in dealing with psychosomatic problems. If practiced diligently on a long term basis it can have a significant effect on a persons health both on a preventive basis and to control and cure existing problems.
- Bronchial Asthma, Nasal allergy, Chronic Bronchitis
- Diabetes, Thyrotoxicosis, Obesity
- High and Low Blood Pressure and Ischaemic Heart diseases(HID)
- Breathing movements for heart patients & elderly people.
- Migraine, Tension headache
- Anxiety neurosis, Depressive Neurosis
- Rheumatism, back pain, Arthritis
- Gastritis and peptic ulcer, Chronic Diarrhea and dysentery, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Ophthalmic disorders: short sight, long site, astigmatism, squint, initial stages of cataract and glaucoma
- Mental retardation.
- Yoga-aerobics for obesity